New to the NDIS?
Thinking about applying for support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)? Here is a guide to applying for NDIS funding. Remember you can Contact Us at anytime for support.

How to Apply?
There are a number of ways you can apply for NDIS funding:
A Local Area Coordinator (LAC), Early Childhood Co-ordinator (ECC), or local NDIS office can assist you with applying.
Apply over the phone on 1800 800 110;
Download the application form ‘Access Request Form’ and complete and then contact your local early childhood partner.
NOTE if you are applying on behalf of a child younger than 9, please visit this page.

Filling in the NDIS Access Request Form
Section 1: Applicant
Section 2: Treating Professional
Refer to the Form Checklist on page 26 of 28 of the 'Access Request Form' to ensure you have filled in all of the form and have the necessary support information.

Lodging your NDIS funding application
Refer to page one of the form for up to date lodgement details.

What is the Eligibility Criteria to receive NDIS funding?
You are younger than 65 on the day to apply for funding;
Meet residency/visa requirements;
Meet disability requirements (caused by permanent impairment);
Needing disability-specific supports to complete daily life activities;
Needing support now to reduce your future need for support;
Needing some supports for now for your family to build their skills to help you;

What is funded?
The NDIS provides funding for items, services and supports deemed ‘reasonable and necessary’ to help people living with significant and permanent disability. You can browse the NDIS funding criteria here.
Transport to and from School
Personal care and support at school
Support to continue living in the community
Support to transition to work or keep a job
Capacity building supports to learn life skills, engage in social participation, community access and more
Refer to the NDIS website “Would We Fund It?” page for examples of what would and wouldn’t be approved for your NDIS funding.

Decision making
After the NDIS receives your application, they will make a decision on whether or not you are eligible for funding, in writing within 21 days.
​If you are eligible the next step is to arrange a planning conversation to discuss your goals and needs in detail.
​If you are not eligible the NDIS will provide you with a reason. You will have 3 months form the date of receiving the letter to request an internal review if you disagree. After this, if you alre still not happy with the decision you can request an Administrative Appeals Tribunal review.

Your Planning Conversation and NDIS Goals
You Local Area Coordinator or NDIA planner will contact you to arrange a planning conversation. Here is some information to help you prepare for your planning meeting.
At your Planning Conversation you will discuss your situation and determine what supports you may benefit from. You may decide to have a friend, family member or some other advocate to join you at this planning conversation.
The NDIS places a large emphasis on participant goals and funding allocation and approval is often related back to your goals. It will be helpful for you to spend some time before your planning meeting thinking about identifying your goals, this page will prompt you with questions to help you make notes on your goals.
Managing Your NDIS Funding
There are tasks and responsibilities that need to be performed in relation to your NDIS funding:
Purchasing supports that link to the goals in your NDIS plan.
Making clear agreements with your providers about the supports you will receive including how they will be provided and paid for.
Managing your funding so the costs of the support give you value-for-money and can be met from within your budget.
Claiming and paying for supports by making payment requests and paying for your supports on time.
Keeping invoices and receipts to show you have paid for your supports using your NDIS funding.
Meeting your obligations as an employer if you choose to employ staff directly.
Showing how you’ve used your self-managed funding towards pursuing your goals at your plan reassessment.
Advising the NDIA of any significant changes in your circumstances that may result in you being unable to meet your responsibilities as a self-manager.
Participating in any payment auditing where you will need to provide invoices, receipts or other evidence to show you have spent your funds in-line with your NDIS plan.
There are 3 options to manage your funding:

Self Managed;
You will have full control and choice of the support your receive AND you will have all of the responsibility of the above tasks.

Agency/NDIA Managed: or
You will not have control or choice in the supports you receive and the NDIA will take care of the above administrative responsibilities for you. OR

Plan Managed
(that’s what we do at LifeAbility Plan Management)
You will have FULL control and choice of your supports and NO responsibility for the above duties, you can choose to have a Plan Manager like LifeAbility Plan Management do all of those administrative tasks for you.
NOTE: You will need to ask to have ‘Choice and Control’ added in to your plan at your Planning Conversation.
Having a Plan Manager is no extra cost to you and is not taken out of your funding. You will receive extra funding for our services under 'Choice and Control' when added to your plan.